Higher Education
Creative Arts and Entertainment
Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications

Georgia General Assembly
Serving Georgia's House District

"We the People"to form a more perfect union...
Maybe you remember adorable 13-year-old Lil Pootah-da-Young-One from my past election. He did the official campaign jam.
The positive hip-hoppers' musical talents and support for civic participation drove him at just 13 to write, direct, produce, and perform the music entitled "VOTE 4 MISS ANGELA' which drove everyone nuts and saw him on every major news outlet across the country.
Mr. Matthews is a Georgia public school graduate now, a father and husband, and continues on his path in the entertainment arts. I was so very proud of his work and I remain the same today. It bears repetition, again and again, and again.

"Angela Moore has always been supportive of my issues as an LGBT American. She has shared my sorrows in defeat and my joy in victory. She has been a caring and sincere friend. I have no doubt that she will stand up for my rights with courage, conviction, and determination in the Georgia General Assembly."
- Sgt. Danny Ingram, National President Emeritus, American Veterans for Equal Rights, and LGBT Veterans Service Organization
"Angela is and has always been a great supporter of Children and education and will make a great State Representative." - Helen Williams, Georgia Educator
"Angela surely is seeking a seat as State Representative so that she can continue to focus on the people of her community in an official capacity regardless of party affiliation." She is a kind and caring businesswomen and pillar of our community and we know, she will make us all proud - Charles & Nancy Meeks

I am so humbled by the many hard-working supporters within my arsenal. They know 1st hand of my effort of Inclusion, Truth and Democracy.

If there were ever an endorsement to do backflips over this is the one. Fair Fight and I both believe in the bare-bottom basic principles of democracy, it's why I've always run, it's what I fundamentally believe in and, it's why and what I fight for everyday as a community advocate and now, as a legislator. Fair, fraud-free, infallible, and always effective elections. Thank you Fair Fight! #AbsolutelyAngela91

Yes! I am fair-Minded and PROUD to support your mission! Let us together, continue to make progress. THANK YOU Georgia Stonewall Democrats for your TRUST in me!!!!!!!!💋🥰🥳

So blessed to have the endorsement of Carlotta Harris Harrell, Henry County Commission Chair! Thank you! #AbsolutelyAngelaHD91

314 Action (a nonprofit political action committee that seeks to elect scientists in the United States) confirms that never has there been a more urgent need to elect scientists and STEM professionals in critical state races and I, a Biology major who take measures to bolster our environment, our ecosystem and always following the recommendation and direction of the science, am humbled by their trust and endorsement in my ability.

Happy Monday everyone! I am so happy to announce the endorsement of Senator Donzella James! Thank you for your encouraging trust and mentorship as a legislator. You are simply the best!!!!

As a state representative who serves on the board of fine arts and entertainment, I am jubilated ultimately, honored to have the support and endorsement from renowned entertainer Tony Terry

It is truly an honor to have the endorsement of the city of Stockbridge's Councilman Elton Alexander. Teamwork makes the Dream work!

Honored to have the support of my fabulous DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court, Debra DeBerry! Onward and Upward💋👍💯

Honored to have the endorsement of Representative Billy Mitchell, HD88- Chair of the House Democratic Caucus! Thank you! #AbsolutelyAngelaHD91

Disabled Vet and master Chef

Staff Sgt. United States Marines

DeKalb County Sheriff/ Fmr. DeKalb Co. Sheriff and Stone Mountain GA. police chief.

GA House District 105

GA House District 113

Senate Dist. 10

Senate District 35

Councilwoman - City of Stockbridge GA

My dad honorably Served during the Korean conflict, he was a disabled Purple Heart recipient and my biggest supporter in heaven. RIP Daddy.

National President Emeritus at AVER - American Veterans for Equal Rights.

Former Rockdale County Board of Education Chair and member for 14 years


Essential Worker from afar Engine 93/Ladder 45/Batt 13

Member of the Women’s Football League Association and actress . Daughter of Cleveland Browns great Jim Brown.

International entertainment artist, producer, music arranger, and actor.

Business Owner of the Tatted Croc

DeKalb Republican's for Mzz Angela

CEO Latinos in Information Sciences and Technology Association (LISTA) and VP at OVN Latino Network.

Today, we're proud to endorse Angela Moore for state legislature in HD-90! A biologist, Angela has worked tirelessly to advance women's health care and has been recognized by the Georgia General Assembly for her community organizing efforts